Hoy queremos poner aquí en nuestro blog una idéa que ya planteamos, aunque sin mucho éxito, en las listas de Kaz. Se trata de mandar un paquete a un orfanato del país de nuestr@s hij@s.
Consiste en que las personas que vayamos a una misma región, o aunque no vayas a ninguna, intentemos recoger ropa de 0 a 4 años y hagamos un paquete para mandarlo al orfanato que decidamos. Yo ya tengo algo de ropa que mi responsable de marketing ( Sara A. hermana de Javi) ha ido reclamando..jejeje...en fin...que el paquete por una mensajería cuesta unos 800 euros. Sé que es caro pero estoy intentando averiguar otras maneras de llevarlo, y si alguien nos puede ayudar de alguna otra manera pues....
Gracias a todos y ánimos que agosto va terminando....
Hello to all:
Today we want to put here in our blog one it designs that we already raise, although without a lot of success, in the lists of Kaz. It is a question of ordering a bundle to an orphan-asylum of the country of our children.It consists in that the persons that we go to the same region, or although you do not go to any, let's try to gather clothes from 0 to 4 years and let's do a bundle to order it to the orphan-asylum that we decide. I already have something of clothes that my person in charge of marketing (Sara A. , Javier's sister) he has been protesting .. jejeje ... in end ... that the bundle for a courier service costs approximately 800 euros. I know that it is expensive but I am trying to find out other ways of taking it, and if someone can help us with some another way since....Thanks to all and intentions that August is finishing....
Today we want to put here in our blog one it designs that we already raise, although without a lot of success, in the lists of Kaz. It is a question of ordering a bundle to an orphan-asylum of the country of our children.It consists in that the persons that we go to the same region, or although you do not go to any, let's try to gather clothes from 0 to 4 years and let's do a bundle to order it to the orphan-asylum that we decide. I already have something of clothes that my person in charge of marketing (Sara A. , Javier's sister) he has been protesting .. jejeje ... in end ... that the bundle for a courier service costs approximately 800 euros. I know that it is expensive but I am trying to find out other ways of taking it, and if someone can help us with some another way since....Thanks to all and intentions that August is finishing....
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